picture from : istock.com

RISDEM, Bandung - Nowadays, in the world, we have more than 250 countries with different conditions and status. Most of them are more impoverished countries, only a few states as the rich. For decreasing the gap, the rich should give more solutions for helping them, especially in health, education, and trade, as the main factor to improve qualities of life.

To run the obligations as a nation, the government usually provide some facilities for their people. On the other hand, the cost of these facilities is expensive for many countries, specifically if the government does not have active trade balancing to support their activities. However, these three things (health, education, and business) are the paramount aspect for a nation to a prosperous society.

As a way out, other countries have to give aids in the form of a grant and soft interest loan, specific for poorer countries that used to improve their qualities in education, health, and trade. If the three are in good condition, then just a matter of time for developing countries to become rich. Take a sample, in the middle of 1950s, Singapore has a lower state in many aspects in there as a nation, but after Singapore change their priority to focus on education, health, and trade. Nowadays, Singapore is one of the stable country that has a lot of money in their banks, the best universities in the world which is a reference for many students; also their hospital and trading recognized as one of the best in the world. I do believe, education, health, and trade could increase the status of the developing nation become better, and the wealthy nation must take responsibility especially for giving money aid and accompaniment so that other countries could become like them.

In conclusion, the three indicators of education, health, and trade are useful for emerging countries to improve their status become better, and at the same time, the others countries which the rich have to take more responsibility for erasing the gap between poor and rich.

-Fikri Audah NSY

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